This is a tool to generate an optimal upgrade plan for your HPE SimpliVity environment. Please select the appropriate inputs to continue.
HPE SimpliVity Desired Version
# of Clusters
- Select only the # of clusters to run this planner with. - The "All Clusters" option assumes the current and desired versions of all dependencies (vCenter, ESXi, HPE Host Firmware (iLO), Arbiter, and vCenter Plugin) are the same for all the clusters in the federation.
Single Cluster Upgrade Plan (Single) or Federation-Wide Upgrade Plan (Fed)?
ON / Single: A single cluster upgrade plan for each cluster. NOTE: This planner doesn't guarantee federation interoperability for the single cluster upgrade plan option, please verify manually.
OFF / Fed: An overall federation-wide upgrade plan for all clusters in the federation NOTE: assuming all clusters are in the same vCenter or linked vCenters.
Select current version for each HPE SimpliVity cluster:
All Clusters
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
Cluster 8
Cluster 9
Cluster 10
Cluster 11
Cluster 12
Cluster 13
Cluster 14
Cluster 15
Cluster 16
Cluster 17
Cluster 18
Cluster 19
Cluster 20
Cluster 21
Cluster 22
Cluster 23
Cluster 24
Cluster 25
Cluster 26
Cluster 27
Cluster 28
Cluster 29
Cluster 30
Cluster 31
Cluster 32
Cluster 33
Cluster 34
Cluster 35
Cluster 36
Cluster 37
Cluster 38
Cluster 39
Cluster 40
Cluster 41
Cluster 42
Cluster 43
Cluster 44
Cluster 45
Cluster 46
Cluster 47
Cluster 48
: Upgrade plan is successfully generated
: Follow the next steps for the upgrade plan(s)
: Invalid version selected
: Version too low for a single cluster upgrade (select "All Clusters" for "# of Clusters")
: Version too low for the selected Federation Desired Version
Follow the next few steps to check the compatibilities for each of these clusters, in ascending order of the cluster current versions:
HPE Host Firmware (iLO)
vCenter Plugin
Cluster 1
Cluster 2
Cluster 3
Cluster 4
Cluster 5
Cluster 6
Cluster 7
Cluster 8
Cluster 9
Cluster 10
Cluster 11
Cluster 12
Cluster 13
Cluster 14
Cluster 15
Cluster 16
Cluster 17
Cluster 18
Cluster 19
Cluster 20
Cluster 21
Cluster 22
Cluster 23
Cluster 24
Cluster 25
Cluster 26
Cluster 27
Cluster 28
Cluster 29
Cluster 30
Cluster 31
Cluster 32
Cluster 33
Cluster 34
Cluster 35
Cluster 36
Cluster 37
Cluster 38
Cluster 39
Cluster 40
Cluster 41
Cluster 42
Cluster 43
Cluster 44
Cluster 45
Cluster 46
Cluster 47
Cluster 48
All Clusters
All done!
Compatible Versions
vCenter Current Version
vCenter Desired Version
Upgrade Path
Compatible Versions
ESXi Current Version
ESXi Desired Version
Upgrade Path
HPE Host Firmware (iLO)
Compatible Versions
HPE Host Firmware (iLO) Current Version
HPE Host Firmware (iLO) Desired Version
Upgrade Path
Compatible Versions
Arbiter Current Version
Arbiter Desired Version
Upgrade Path
vCenter Plugin
vCenter Plugin should already be on the version compatible with the cluster with the highest version in this federation
Plugin Current Version
Plugin Desired Version
Upgrade Path
Select Plan To Display (Single Cluster Mode):
Mark all the steps as done for this cluster to be ready for the federation-wide commit.
Q: What SimpliVity environments are supported?
A: HPE SimpliVity VMware environments only.
Q: What platforms are supported?
A: HPE SimpliVity Gen10 and newer hardware only.
Q: What are the legends used in the Planner?
A: The Upgrade Planner is based on the HPE SimpliVity Interoperability Guide. Legends are kept as a reference to the Guide.
Q: What is the lowest version supported?
A: The lowest HPE SimpliVity version supported is v. 3.7.10 (September 2019).
Q: Why are vCenter upgrade steps not detailed in the Planner?
A: Upgrade Planner follows the Interoperability Guide. vCenter upgrades are outside of the scope of SVT Upgrade Manager.
Q: Why do I not see certain versions of vSphere on the list?
A: vSphere compatibility is limited to the versions supported by SimpliVity.
Q: How do I generate upgrade paths for different platforms?
A: There are no specific upgrade paths for different platforms - normal rules of same config in a cluster apply.